May it be that we all take this opportunity to reassess our lifestyles and place God in his rightful place in our lives

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Councillor Carson (April 3) certainly seems to have stirred a hornets nest with his claims that this deadly virus is in some way a judgment of God.

(‘Totally misinterpreted’ — DUP councillor John Carson who blamed Coronavirus on abortion and gay marriage says comments were picked up wrong)

Let me make clear I am neither a member of his party nor of his church. The fundamental question which should be addressed by his critics is simple: ‘Do they believe the earth has been created by a supreme being in common parlance called GOD?’

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Mr McClinton’s statement (His letter can be read here: Covid-19 is not a punishment of God for our personal sins but it might be the revenge of nature’ April 4) would seem to imply ‘nature’ is a stand alone entity which is self formed with a mind of its own, which I would suggest is a ridiculous view.

Perhaps a study of the Bible and of the Jewish People’s history including the flight from Egypt and the destruction of Jericho would be enlightening for the sceptics.

At the centre is Jesus the compassionate son of God who died for sinners. On numerous occasions cited in the Old Testament when the chosen people forsook the standards they were overthrown by their enemies and punished.

Is this virus in fact a judgment on our way of life where so many reject or ignore God and seek their own selfish aims?

May it be that we all take this opportunity to reassess our lifestyles and place God in his rightful place in our lives.

Lyle Cubitt, Ballymena