Perhaps councillor will get knighted for his strange logic on the punishment of God

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
The ‘Wrath Of God,’ to which Councillor John Carson referred, is a strange and interesting concept.

We had the great flood when all the people of the world were drowned except for one family, Noah’s.

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All the little innocent children and innocent animals all succumbed to God’s wrath.

Then we had the plague of locusts, the plague of frogs, the plague of boils and so on, all brought on because people didn’t do what they were told by the almighty.

Then there is the plagues in Revelation, after these, Jesus Christ will return to save humanity from self-destruction.

These punishments will produce repentance, and people will turn to our Saviour and King, Jesus Christ.

Is this what councillor John Carson had in mind?

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Today DUP councillor John Carson and supported by scores of others, reckons God has had enough of all this abortion and same sex marriages and visited the coronavirus on the whole world, not just the heathen Muslims and Hindus but the Christians as well.

Here we have it, according to Carson, the good Lord has sent a virus that attacks us all, but will mainly kill the old and sick, and not only that, does not discriminate between “true believers like himself” but will kill the righteous and the unrighteous.

How much sense does all that make?

Previously the DUP Ballymena councillor Maurice Mills said the devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005 was God’s punishment of the city’s gay community.

Katrina killed over 1,300 people and councillor Mills ended up getting a MBE.

With that sort of logic Councillor Carson should hold out for a knighthood?

Andy Barr, Bangor Humanists