Perhaps the chief constable can update us on PSNI anti terrorism investigations

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Ever since the chief constable tweeted the photograph of himself and his PSNI colleagues outside Crossmaglen PSNI station, the outrage has been overwhelming.

The SDLP, commentators and other ‘civic nationalists’ are amongst those joining PSF/PIRA in condemning the chief constable.

Yet I don’t remember any of the above being outraged to the extreme when republicans brought sinister, masked and armed terrorists onto the streets of Belfast last May.

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The terrorists, armed with deadly automatic weapons and quaintly described as ‘Independent retired PIRA Volunteers’ were photographed firing a volley of shots in honour of Peter Rooney.

His funeral was attended by Sinn Fein members, who days before were damming the dissidents over bringing guns onto the streets of Londonderry when Lyra McKee was murdered.

Perhaps when nationalists meet the chief constable over the Crossmaglen photograph, he could ask republicans about the evil unsolved murder of Paul Quinn and the industrial scale smuggling and fuel Laundering centred in south Armagh.

Perhaps after the meeting, the chief constable could update us on how the PSNI investigation into identifying and prosecuting the PSF/PIRA ‘firing party’ is going?

Or is the reality, that republicans are exempt from detailed PSNI scrutiny lest it upsets our deeply flawed peace process?

Tom Nash, Derriaghy

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