The DUP are more comfortable behaving as if they are in opposition

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Arnold Carton:

Are the DUP in government, or in opposition?

Surely the DUP know the answer to this question?

As I listened to the DUP’s Paul Givan on Radio Ulster on Monday morning (December 13) I seemed to be listening to the leader of the Opposition, rather than someone who was prepared to take decisions and accept responsibility for those decisions.

The first minister, like the rest of the DUP, focussed on criticising the policies of the other government ministers and admitted that, on the day the Covid Certificate became compulsory, the DUP will vote against the executive’s Covid Certificate policy.

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He will know that in the middle of a health crisis, this opposition undermines the health policy of the executive and makes it less likely that people will comply.

This is the habitual behaviour of the DUP, from Sammy Wilson’s mocking of mask wearing to the more recent attacks on Robin Swann’s leadership, the DUP are more comfortable in opposition, they feel happier criticising decisions taken by others.

This has served them well electorally and I fully expect them next May to run a campaign portraying themselves primarily as the opposition to Sinn Fein.

However, we are in a pandemic, our NHS is facing a crisis and Northern Ireland needs leaders who can take decisions and accept responsibility.

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Those who prioritise undermining their executive colleagues may find that voters will not look on them kindly during the election next May.

Arnold Carton, Belfast BT6

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