We cannot expect blessings instead of judgement when we affirm that which God condemns

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
With Northern Ireland containing so much holiness that we need more church denominations than days of the week, you can imagine my surprise at the lack of support there was (in comparison to the outrage) over the comments made by DUP MLA John Carson (April 3).

(‘Totally misinterpreted’ — DUP councillor John Carson who blamed Coronavirus on abortion and gay marriage says comments were picked up wrong)

He suggested the coronavirus outbreak was God’s punishment for the introduction of marriage and abortion law reform on our Province .

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I can neither confirm or deny that statement but I do believe this is a precursor of the pestilence to come Matthew 24:7 Luke 21:25 when God pours out his vials of wrath upon the earth Revelation 16 .

In Romans 1:18-32 the people incur God’s wrath so he abandons them and gives them over to the consequences of their actions

All sexual immorality is a sin but just like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah it was the practice of homosexuality that tipped the scales into judgement and destruction .

The Bible clearly condemns the practice of same sex relationships and immorality, Leviticus 18:22 20:13, Timothy 1:10 , Jude 1:17 1st Corinthians 1:10:11 Romans 1:26-28.

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We have accepted that in order to accommodate a small minority of people. We have legalised the sin of same sex relationships and mocked God with the oxymoron of so called same-sex marriage.

We have allowed the mastectomy of children and the wholesale slaughter of others in the womb .

Do you really expect blessings over judgement when you affirm that which God condemns, and exalt that which God punished.

Leslie Marshal, Tandragee