Rev Paul Burns: Derry Girls abortion protest overlooks the divine right to life

Derry Girls cast members Siobhan McSweeney (right) and Nicola Coughlan open suitcases outside the Treasury in Westminster to reveal the signatures on the petition demanding legislative change on Northern Ireland's strict abortion laws. Photo: Jonathan Brady /PA WireDerry Girls cast members Siobhan McSweeney (right) and Nicola Coughlan open suitcases outside the Treasury in Westminster to reveal the signatures on the petition demanding legislative change on Northern Ireland's strict abortion laws. Photo: Jonathan Brady /PA Wire
Derry Girls cast members Siobhan McSweeney (right) and Nicola Coughlan open suitcases outside the Treasury in Westminster to reveal the signatures on the petition demanding legislative change on Northern Ireland's strict abortion laws. Photo: Jonathan Brady /PA Wire
I watched with horror yesterday as the actresses of Derry Girls appeared at Westminster to campaign for the introduction of abortion to Northern Ireland.

They claimed to have 62,000 signatures, which it transpired were not just from Northern Ireland, but collected from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Had all the signatures been from Northern Ireland when compared to our population figures this would have amounted to less than 5% support for their cause even with strong campaigning.

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The people of Northern Ireland young and old strongly support the right to life in the womb right across both Christian communities and it should also be noted that County Donegal which borders Derry/Londonderry, were Derry Girls was filmed, voted against abortion in the Irish referendum.

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Letter to the editor

Constantly we are being ridiculed about our so called backward mentality/or attitudes about preserving life from human rights organisations both inside and outside of the United Kingdom, political parties, politicians etc.

My question is what rights do our unborn sons and daughters have to be allowed to live and not have excruciating pain and suffering inflicted upon them through abortion which I and most of Northern Ireland sees as legalised murder.

Just recently in New York, its ruling legislature body passed a law and lit up the Empire State Building to celebrate this law that said it was a human right to be able to terminate a baby/child as it was being born in a late termination, as this baby /child is not legally a citizen till it has been birthed, guaranteeing the human rights of the mother/woman.

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Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party in the US are pushing this under Nancy Pelosi as human right for all women.

Just recently I was shown a lovely picture of a baby girl in the womb, just a few weeks before she was about to arrive into our world, you could see her beautiful face, made possible for us through the latest technology, clearly a person, a daughter, ready to be born.

Our sons and our daughters have a divine right to life granted by God (Psalm 139:13-17, Jeremiah 1:5).

Let’s continue to protect these little lives.

• Rev Paul S Burns BTh (Hons.), Adullam Christian Fellowship Church, Sandy Row, Belfast