Antrim and Newtownabbey Council to explore autism-friendly play space proposal

Hazelbank Pavilion. Pic by Google.Hazelbank Pavilion. Pic by Google.
Hazelbank Pavilion. Pic by Google. | Other 3rd Party
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is considering making a play space available for children with autism.

Alliance Councillor Billy Webb said that he had been approached by some parents who are concerned about the closure of the local authority’s play parks.

The council’s playgrounds were closed in March as a safety precaution to help stop the spread of Coronavirus.

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Speaking at a meeting of the council’s Operations Committee which was held remotely on Tuesday evening, Cllr Webb asked for a safe space to be made available for play for the children, some of whom have a fear of dogs, with their parents and their own toys.

Clrr Webb suggested that the bowling green space at Hazelbank Park, which is no longer is use, may be a suitable option.

He indicated that it would be a temporary measure during the pandemic for children with autism and parents who may live in a property with no garden or an apartment.

An officer told the meeting that she would bring a report back to council.

Michelle Weir, Local Democracy Reporter


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