Carrickfergus councillor praises medical staff after cancer operation

Cllr John McDermott.Cllr John McDermott.
Cllr John McDermott. | Other 3rd Party
A Mid and East Antrim councillor recovering from cancer has praised the “super human effort” being put in by NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ulster Unionist Councillor John McDermott, who had a kidney removed on May 5 after the discovery of a tumour, is easing his way back into public duty.

The Carrickfergus Castle representative had scans and tests conducted at the beginning of March and received some shock news.

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Cllr McDermott revealed: “I was waiting in the changing room the consultant returned and he dropped the bombshell that although my bladder and prostate were clear, the CT scan had picked up a tumour on my left kidney but worse was to come.

“He said the tumour was untreatable and that the kidney would have to be removed completely. He requested further CT and MRI scans the following week, which confirmed his diagnosis. However, by this time Covid-19 had taken hold and all surgical operations at the City Hospital had been put on hold so the surgeon phoned to say that it would probably be July before I could be operated on, so having been in lockdown since the beginning of March I decided I had no choice and went into full lockdown and waited.”

The former police officer added: “I got a call on May 1 to see if I was available for the operation. I went into the Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday, May 4 and the operation was carried out the next day.

“After two days I was discharged from hospital into the care of my wife Agnes who has looked after me over the last two weeks. However due to an infection of Covid-19 in my ward I was told to self isolate for two weeks after my release, which is what I did.

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“Thankfully with no Covid-19 symptoms so not only am I cancer free with no follow up treatment required, I’m still Covid-19 negative.

“Having served in the police for 30 years between 1979 and 2009 I have witnessed and in many respects took for granted the fantastic work done by the emergency staff, but my memories of having seen them and having been treated at the coalface in this time of national emergency brings a lump to my throat when I remember the super human effort being put in from the doctors, nurses, auxiliaries, cleaners and porters and every member of the hospital staff, all to make sure I was treated and cared for and was sent home safe to my family.

“When the history of the National Health Service is written in the years to come our grandchildren will read stories of determination and bravery of those who knew there was a danger but when called on they ran towards the danger and not away from it to help those who couldn’t escape, that’s our NHS and it is the finest example ever to be found if it were needed, that we in the UK are so blessed to have it.”


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