Funding package announced for hospices across Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. Pic by Google.The Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. Pic by Google.
The Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. Pic by Google. | Other 3rd Party
Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has announced £6.75 million for local hospices to support them with the current financial challenges they are facing.

Making the announcement today, Conor Murphy said: “The care and support our hospices provide is truly inspiring.

“Our Hospices are there for people and their families when they need it most.

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“This £6.75 million support package will help them with the current challenges they are facing from loss of donations and revenue from their retail outlets.

“This funding will make a real difference to these organisations and the families they support.”

The Northern Ireland Hospice including the Children’s Hospice will receive £3.2 million, £1.6 million will go to Marie Curie, £1.1 million for the Southern Area Hospice, £600,000 will be received by Foyle Hospice and £250,000 will go to the Cancer Fund for Children.


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