Lee’s Minecraft video of Ma Berry’s nightclub goes viral

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Missing Ma Berry’s nightclub in Portadown prompted bartender Lee McCreary to recreate it in a Minecraft video and it has gone viral.

The 20-year-old from Mullaghbrack, Markethill has been blown away by the thousands of views it received since he uploaded it last week.

Lee, who is a former pupil at Markethill HS and The Royal School, Armagh, has been tending bar part time at the popular nightclub for the last two and a half years.

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Since the COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of bars and restaurants, Lee has been concentrating on studying (now online) for his UU Foundation Degree in Mechatronic Engineering at the Southern Regional College in Newry.

Lee McCreary.Lee McCreary.
Lee McCreary. | User (UGC)

Lee said: “I keep in contact with my colleagues all the time and we’re all really missing it.

“It’s definitely something we all look forward to at the weekend. It’s a class place to work and just to be in generally.

“When I uploaded the video, it was kind of as a joke. Then about an hour later it had 1000 views and my phone was going mental with people tagging each other in it and commenting on how they also miss the place.

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“I had seen other places in Belfast do a similar thing with bars such as Limelight and just thought it would be class to do for the bar I work in. I’ve been in it 3-4 days a week for the past two years so I know the layout and what each area looks like pretty well so thought I could make it quite accurately.

“I had took an hour or two at it every night for just over a week and then that was it! I had originally just planned on sending it into my work groupchat but the video file was too big so it went on Facebook. The video has nearly 4k views at the minute and almost 60 shares which is crazy!”

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