Newtownabbey-based food charity records ‘biggest month on record’

The charity redistributed 31 tonnes of food to vulnerable people last month.The charity redistributed 31 tonnes of food to vulnerable people last month.
The charity redistributed 31 tonnes of food to vulnerable people last month. | Other 3rd Party
FareShare Northern Ireland, which redistributes surplus food to over 100 frontline charities and projects across the country, has seen demand for its service soar since the global pandemic was declared – with the number of new charities applying to receive food increasing by 80 per cent since lockdown measures came into place.

The food charity, based in Newtownabbey and run by partner homelessness organisation CHNI, redistributed 31 tonnes of food to vulnerable people facing hardship across the nation last month – enough for 74,000 meals – its biggest month on record.

As the situation develops and with schools, public spaces and most work places closed, FareShare and the network of charities it supports – including projects tackling homelessness, mental health, domestic violence, loneliness and hunger – have evolved their operating models in order to respond to the crisis and help ensure those most vulnerable can access good, nutritious food.

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Typically FareShare Northern Ireland provides ingredients for communal meals, but amid the crisis the charity has shifted food provision to food parcels which are being given to or collected by people in need. Charity members, such as schools, are also now acting as local redistributor of food parcels.

Declan McKillop, manager of FareShare Northern Ireland, said: “The coronavirus pandemic has created an unprecedented challenge for FareShare, making our service needed now more than ever.

“We are working tirelessly to continue to get vital food supplies to those who need it most via our network of over 100 frontline charities – but we know the need is only going to get more acute as the virus’ impact on the economy unfolds.

“In order to ensure those most vulnerable are protected, we are urgently calling for financial donations via our Just giving page. We have the capacity to continue increasing the volume of food provided, but it is only with the support of the community that we can do this.”

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In the face of this unprecedented demand, businesses and organisations in the community have pulled together to help FareShare – including Mexican restaurant chain, Boojum, which is providing 200 free meals each day to FareShare’s charity network.

The chain’s Managing Director, David Maxwell, said: “Coronavirus has been a huge challenge for Boojum, but we wanted to look back on this period and say we did everything to support our teams and our community. Boojum are delighted to be supporting FareShare Northern Ireland in caring for the most vulnerable in our communities by offering nearly 3,000 meals to date.

“Restaurants are an essential part of the food chain and we have the ability to feed people in times of need – and we encourage others with the capacity to offer support to consider reaching out to FareShare. No food should be wasted, no one should go hungry and we can all make a difference.”

NHS staff of the A&E department in Belfast’s Mater Hospital have also donated £1,400 to FareShare – enough to help the charity provide up to 4,000 meals for vulnerable people facing hardship through the pandemic.

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Serena Lewis, Deputy Sister in Mater Hospital A&E, Belfast said: “The staff in the Mater Hospital, Belfast A&E, which is currently a dedicated Covid Hospital, were overwhelmed with the support from the local community during these extraordinary times. In recognition of this and in the knowledge that people are struggling to make ends meet the A&E team raised funds for FareshareNI.

“We previously had the opportunity to see at firsthand the valuable work of this organisation and how its’ volunteers work tirelessly to meet the needs of the community. I am extremely proud of the work of all the staff in the Mater Hospital, their commitment and generosity never ceases to amaze me.”

To donate to FareShare Northern Ireland, visit


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