Royal birth: Archie was born in private hospital

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their baby son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Picture: Dominic Lipinski/PA WireThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their baby son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Picture: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their baby son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Picture: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire
The Duchess of Sussex gave birth to her first child Archie at the private Portland Hospital in Westminster, her son’s birth certificate has revealed.

Meghan, who gave her name as “Rachel Meghan Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex”, listed her occupation as “Princess of the United Kingdom” as her son’s birth was registered by her husband the Duke of Sussex on Friday.

Archie’s birth certificate, seen by the Press Association, confirmed the place of birth as the Portland Hospital and dismissed speculation that Meghan, who married Harry a year ago on Sunday, had a home birth in the sanctuary of Frogmore Cottage - the Sussexes’ home on the Windsor Estate.

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Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the seventh in line to the throne and an eighth great-grandchild for the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, arrived at 5.26am on May 6, weighing 7lb 3oz.

Until now, the duke and duchess have been trying to keep the birth location private and details of their medical staff a secret.

Harry announced to the world his wife had given birth to a boy and could not hide his happiness at becoming a father for the first time, to a baby he said was “absolutely to-die-for”.

The duke was at his wife’s side during the birth and he later confessed he had only had a few hours’ sleep, suggesting Meghan had spent much of the night in labour.

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Archie is believed to be the first mixed-race child born to a senior member of the royal family in centuries, and is a reflection of modern Britain with its culturally diverse population.

His birth came less than a year after Harry married American former actress Meghan in a glittering ceremony in St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Harry, 34, and Meghan, 37, became engaged following a whirlwind 16-month romance after going on a blind date in London.

The protective parents want to ensure their son grows up away from the limelight.

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Harry, who knows only too well the pressure that comes with being a Windsor and once admitted he “wanted out” of the royal family, is set on allowing his son to have as normal a life as possible.

Royal protection officers will always be close by, while help from housekeepers and aides will be the norm, but Harry and Meghan will be hands-on parents.

The royal baby, who was not given a courtesy title, met his uncle and aunt, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, for the first time on Tuesday, having already spent time with his maternal grandmother Doria Ragland and his royal great grandparents, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.