UK Pleasure Boys set to return to Northern Ireland with appearance at Bannville Hotel in Banbridge

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The controversial stripper tour, the UK Pleasure Boys are coming to Banbridge, it has been announced.

The Bannville Hotel has announced the event on social media, billing it as ‘The Ultimate Girls night out’.

"Tickets are now available to experience The UK Pleasure Boys LIVE on Saturday, May 11th,” the hotel said on social media.

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The post, which was made on Thursday evening, has already prompted 3,500 comments.

The UK Pleasureboys strippers are to appear in Banbridge in MayThe UK Pleasureboys strippers are to appear in Banbridge in May
The UK Pleasureboys strippers are to appear in Banbridge in May

The band caused uproar last month when the men were filmed on stage at the Devenish Bar in Finaghy.

The naked strippers were filmed in widely varying positions performing simulated sex acts with women from the audience in an array of different positions.

Belfast City Council is investigating the event; it is understood such acts require special licences from the council.

The PSNI said it was taking no action.

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The event dominated headlines for weeks, with many people offering strong opinions for and against the event.

The company manager, John Woodward acknowledged that the videos caused much speculation on social media about causing possible divorces in Belfast.

"But these videos that have been circulating have also created a lot of problems for my guys back here [in England]," he told the News Letter.

"The guys are not used to these videos going viral either. And they've all got families and mothers and sisters and, and whatever, so it's also affected them. I don't think these videos that have gone viral have helped anybody's home life."

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He confirmed that at least some of his dancers have partners, wives and girlfriends and that it has put pressure on their relationships with them.

"Yeah, their partners, their mothers, their sisters, they all know what they do. But it's not blasted out on social media."

But he said the problem was only caused by short clips of 5% of the show, the finale, when the stage was crowded with men and women performing simulated sex.

In fact, he said, it was a three hour show, which also contained acrobatics, fire handling, angle grinding and hand balancing.

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Asked why the viral video clips would have caused his dancers problems with their partners when they know what they do for a living, he replied: "Because the video that has been circulated has been a tiny little clip when everybody came on the stage at the end of the evening. And it wasn't the choreographed routines that we usually do.

"It was a made-up section because certain events happened and the guys just reacted to what was in front of them at the time. But it does look bad, doesn't it? It does look like there's certain things going on [sex] when there is not."

What would normally happen in the finale, he said, was that the naked dancers would take a bow and have a slow dance, with a few women on stage.

However in Finaghy, he said another 30 or 40 women rushed onto the stage

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"And they're all going in different positions and things, so the guys are reacting to what the girls' positions are at that time. So it looks different. It's not rehearsed."

And this is what has upset the partners and wives of his dancers, he says.

"That small clip that we've all seen does make it look like there's more going on than what actually was."

However he said they always video the entire evening from several angles for their own protection.

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His wife has reviewed their own 'safety' videos and has been able to see “the build up” to the controversial finale for herself, he said.

Mr Woodward told the News Letter said they would ban all mobile phone filming from future events in order to prevent any further controversy.