Boris Johnson might have to self-isolate a SECOND time if Business Secretary Alok Sharma tests positive for COVID-19

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The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, might have to self-isolate for 14 days if Business Secretary Alok Sharma tests positive for COVID-19, Downing Street has confirmed.

Mr. Sharma took ill at the dispatch box in the House of Commons yesterday evening.

Video footage showing Mr. Sharma dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief while speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday has been shared widely on social media.

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Following advice set out by the government under the new track and trace initiative, Mr. Sharma went home where he must remain for 14 days.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson. | pa

Mr. Johnson, who was treated for COVID-19 in an intensive care unit at the beginning of April, met with Mr. Sharma for 45 minutes on Wednesday.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, is also believed to have attended the meeting.

"(Mr Sharma) does not yet have his test results. Should the secretary of state receive a positive test then he will work with the test and trace service to share information about his recent interactions," said a No. 10 spokesman.

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"He did attend a meeting in Number 10, which took place before Cabinet. That was a discussion on the economy and in terms of who was present, it was the prime minister, the chancellor and the business secretary."

Experts are still not able to conclusively say if a person can or cannot be infected with COVID-19 more than once.


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