SDLP councillor steps down from leader role on Antrim and Newtownabbey Council

Cllr Noreen McClelland.Cllr Noreen McClelland.
Cllr Noreen McClelland. | Other 3rd Party
Tributes were paid to Glengormley SDLP Councillor Noreen McClelland who has stepped down as the party’s group leader on Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.

Leading tributes was Ulster Unionist group leader Alderman Mark Cosgrove who said that Noreen and incoming SDLP group leader Cllr Roisin Lynch have been “very good colleagues”.

He said he welcomes Roisin to her new role and looks forward to continuing to work with Noreen.

He also welcomed new DUP Cllr Linda Irwin to the chamber.

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Alliance group leader Cllr Billy Webb also welcomed Cllr Irwin to the chamber and to Macedon District Electoral Area.

He added: “I am also delighted to see Roisin join as SDLP group leader. I would like to pay tribute to Noreen McClelland who has been party group leader for some years.

“The rest of us group leaders have worked closely with Noreen through group leader meetings. She has been a real asset to that. She has been a great contributor.

“We welcome Roisin but will miss Noreen, but hopefully, at some stage, we will see her again in the chamber.”

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The Deputy Mayor, Sinn Fein Cllr Anne Marie Logue, congratulated the DUP newcomer and Cllr Lynch on their new roles.

Cllr McClelland has wished her colleague Cllr Lynch well as she takes on the role.

Noreen said: “At this time when the role of group leader is such an important one, I am delighted to see Roisin take over this task.

“Working as group leader can be challenging and someone with Roisin’s knowledge and understanding will be a real asset to the Group Leaders’ Forum.

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“I have enjoyed my term as SDLP group leader and as we move forward, coming out of lockdown in the safest way for residents and council staff, I will continue to work with all colleagues in the chamber to ensure we give the best possible service to all who live and work in Antrim and Newtownabbey.”

Noreen has been an SDLP councillor representing the Glengormley area since 2001.

Michelle Weir, Local Democracy Reporter.


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