NI Tory chairman: Boris Johnson fully behind us

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The chairman of the Northern Ireland Conservatives has insisted Boris Johnson pledged backing for the local party despite Tory activists publicly berating him for a lack of support from London.

Tory Assembly candidate Matthew Robinson also claimed the prime minister told local Conservatives he wants to see the party electing councillors and ultimately an MP in Northern Ireland.

Mr Johnson got a rough ride from some local Conservative activists during an event at the Culloden Hotel in Cultra on Monday night – his last engagement of his one-day visit to the Province.

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The News Letter obtained a video of the event during which the prime minister was harangued from the floor with one female Tory member shouting out: “We might as well be members of the Tory Party in Mongolia.”

Matthew Robinson, chairman of the NI ConservativesMatthew Robinson, chairman of the NI Conservatives
Matthew Robinson, chairman of the NI Conservatives

But Mr Robinson, who shared the platform with the prime minister and Secretary of State Brandon Lewis said: “All in all, it was a great event. We had a pretty full attendance as the prime minister made time to talk to everyone. In his speech he commended us on our recent election campaign and said we need to keep going.”

On the complaints of some Tory activists that Conservative Central Office is not supporting them, Mr Robinson said: “Yes the prime minister did promise more support for the local party and the desire to get Conservatives elected in Northern Ireland. As we now find our feet and head into the next set of elections the support and guidance of Central Office will ramp up so we can work towards our goals of getting councillors elected and eventually an MP.

“The prime minister is fully supportive of this strategy and is passionate about getting Conservatives elected here and will do all he can to support us, we are the only party that stands in all four corners of the United Kingdom after all.”

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Asked if local party officers were investigating who leaked video footage of the event on Monday evening, Mr Robinson replied: “As I am sure you understand I am unable to comment on any internal processes.”

He added: “The prime minister is a committed unionist and works tirelessly for everyone in our Province. He enjoys my total support and confidence.”