Presbyterian church objects to plans to turn former Ann Summers shop into gambling arcade

First Presbyterian Church in Belfast. Photo by PacemakerFirst Presbyterian Church in Belfast. Photo by Pacemaker
First Presbyterian Church in Belfast. Photo by Pacemaker
The First Presbyterian Church in Belfast has objected to a plan for a new gambling establishment at the site of an old Ann Summers shop in the city centre.

Representatives for and against a planning application for the change of use from retail unit to amusement arcade and adult gaming centre at 51 Rosemary Street gave robust submissions to the Belfast City Council Planning Committee this week.

Councillors deferred a decision on the application for the new establishment, the site of which is close to the First Church on a side street off Royal Avenue.

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Despite council officers recommending approval for the application, councillors decided on a deferral with a view to compiling valid reasons to reject the application.

The First Church’s building at 41 Rosemary Street is the city’s oldest surviving place of worship. 51 Rosemary Street was granted permission for a shop sign as an Ann Summers shop in 2005. The site has been derelict in recent years.

DUP MLA and the current Assembly Speaker, Edwin Poots, has lodged an objection to the application at City Hall.

In all there were three letters of objection sent to the council. They raised concerns including the nature of the description of the application, the principle of a non-retail use in this location, and the impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area.

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The objectors also raised issues of noise, litter, and traffic regarding the application, health and well-being, the impact on the image and profile of Belfast City Centre and fears of “clustering” of gaming centres in the area. There are currently three other similar premises within 200 metres.

At the Planning Committee meeting, Diana Thompson on behalf of the First Church said: “Amusement arcades are not acceptable in the prime retail core and that is clearly set out in the council’s own amusement policy. Approval will cause a cluster of these uses within a small area. The arcade will be a bad neighbour to the church.”

She added: “The First Church is more than a place of worship, it is a tourist and cultural hub for the city centre, playing an active role in community and religious life. The Church is only 22 metres from the proposal site but because of this separation and a set back, there is apparently no significant impact. The Church disagrees.

“The gaming activity will jar with the religious, spiritual, cultural and tourist activities that are located within the church, central halls and its associated grounds.”

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She said it was “entirely inappropriate,” and “the wrong development in the wrong place.”

She added: “It is highly questionable whether (gaming establishments) add vitality to an area, they do not provide active street frontage at ground floor level because their interior is screened, and they do little to project the image that Belfast is open for business.”

An agent for the applicant Sam Stranaghan told the committee: “T his proposal is essentially a relocation from existing premises in North Street forced by the redevelopment of that area and will cause no harmful impacts.

“Rather, by spending £200,000 refurbishing a dilapidated, vacant unit, securing eight jobs and bringing footfall to this part of the core, it will support vibrancy. Notably, expert consultees note it will cause no harm to the setting of the listed Church or the character and appearance of the conservation area.”

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He added: “The Church has been coexisting for many years with many other users not of its ilk, and probably not to its taste. It sits cheek by jowl with the licensed 3Cs social club with its outdoor tables for food and drink, Sunday opening from noon, and gaming machines. And the council has not once complained about it.

“The application site itself was for many years an Ann Summers outlet, with a distinctive adult offer. And still the life of the Church, and its tourism and cultural functions coexisted and flourished.

He added: “The recent objection from Edwin Poots adds absolutely nothing to the Church’s objection, it replicates it, and is deserving of no greater weight just because, respectfully, it comes from an MLA.”

The council planning report states: “Building Control have listed five other amusement arcades, however two of these are located greater than a five minute walk from the site which are not considered to contribute to proliferation of this area. A total of four amusement arcades within a 200 metre radius of the site is not considered to impact on the overall character and appearance of this section of the city centre.”

The application will return to the Planning Committee later in the summer.