The Troubles: Day of reflection to take place in Belfast to acknowledge hurt and pain caused by the conflict “in and about Northern Ireland”

Day of reflection in Belfast.Day of reflection in Belfast.
Day of reflection in Belfast.
A ‘Day of Reflection’ will take place at Belfast City Hall this week – the third time the annual commemoration will have been taken place.

Councillors had previously agreed that the event would be held annually, providing an opportunity for people and communities across the city to acknowledge the deep hurt and pain caused by the conflict “in and about Northern Ireland”.

The event on Friday follows a similar format to previous events held in 2022 and 2023.

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A Belfast City Council committee agreed in March 2022 to hold a City Hall event each year on the same date “to support those who wish to reflect, in order to acknowledge the deep hurt and pain caused by the conflict in and about Northern Ireland.”

It came as a result of an Alliance amendment on a DUP motion which wanted solely to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bloody Friday on July 21 that year. The 50th anniversary was commemorated in 2022 within a event to remember all victims of the Troubles, and the council approved a wider commemoration of the troubles as part of a “Day of Reflection” each subsequent year on that date.

Visitors can call in to City Hall between 6pm and 8.30pm to engage in quiet reflection, take part in creative arts, listen to a selection of poetry and readings and speak to representatives from a range of support organisations.

There will be a screening of a short film by local organisation Healing Through Remembering at 6pm. Attendees can also share their hopes for the future by adding a leaf with a personal message to a ‘Thought Tree’ throughout the evening.

No booking is required, and everyone is welcome. City Hall will also be illuminated in yellow on the evening of Friday June 21.