Tributes continue to be paid to Christopher Stalford: Boris Johnson calls him a dedicated servant of the people of South Belfast

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DUP MLA Christopher Stalford has died at the age of 39, party leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has confirmed.

The south Belfast representative and father-of-four died suddenly

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Tributes flood in following the death of 39 year old Christopher Stalford DUP MLA

SDLP expresses deep condolences following death of Christopher Stalford MLA

SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MP and South Belfast MP Claire Hanna have expressed their sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Christopher Stalford MLA following news of his passing today.

The SDLP has postponed its Spring Conference due to take place this afternoon as a mark of respect.

Colum Eastwood MP said:

“On behalf of the SDLP I want to send my deepest condolences to Christopher’s wife Laura, their four children and his wide circle of family and friends at this incredibly difficult time. Christopher and I knew each other for more than 20 years and this news has come as such a shock.

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:-

“Words are not adequate to express the shock and deep sadness I feel at the death of Christopher Stalford. To his beloved wife Laura and four young children I express sincere Christian sympathy. “Having known Christopher well since his days working for me, when I served as an MEP, I retained friendship and respect for him and his undoubted ability - ability which Unionism can ill afford to lose. “I also express sympathy to his party which he served with loyalty and distinction. His colleagues in the Assembly and elsewhere will feel an aching void, though it is his family who above all require the prayers and support of us all.”

Statement by Taoiseach Micheál Martin on the passing of Christopher Stalford, MLA

I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of MLA Christopher Stalford.

He served the people of South Belfast diligently and with integrity, working tirelessly to improve housing and education.

I conveyed my sympathies to his party leader Jeffrey Donaldson earlier today, and my sincere condolences go to his wife Laura, children, family, friends and colleagues in the DUP.