Two men '˜stable but critical' after slurry incident on farm

Two men are in a 'stable but critical' condition in hospital following an slurry incident on a Co Londonderry farm on Saturday.

The incident, involving a man aged in his 40s and another aged in his 70s, happened on a farm on Ballyhanedin Road in the Claudy area around 4pm, police said.

A local councillor told the News Letter that the two men are understood to be father and son.

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The NI Ambulance Service dispatched two A&E crews and an ambulance officer. The charity Air Ambulance was also tasked to the scene.

Following initial assessment and treatment at the scene, the two men were taken by ambulance to Altnagelvin Hospital.

The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service were also in attendance.

The Health and Safety Executive has been informed.

A spokesperson for the Western Health Trust told the News Letter yesterday: “Both men are in a stable condition, one more critical than the other.”

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Alderman Maurice Devenney said the incident once again highlighted concerns around the dangers of working with slurry.

“I am hearing that these two men are father and son,” he added.

“It raised fears about safety within the farming community.

“It is a very high risk business and at this time of year the farmers are all busy, having got the silage cut, and are on a mission to get the slurry back out onto the fields.

“This should send out a message to be as careful as possible on farms, as these people are working with very dangerous equipment.

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“My thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time.

DUP alderman Drew Thompson, who sits on Derry City and Strabane District Council, added: “My thoughts are with these two injured men and their families and I hope they make a full and swift recovery.

“I would urge people at this time of year to be careful when it comes to dealing with slurry, as we hear about these types of incidents all too often unfortunately. The response emergency services is also to be commended.”