Upsurge in west Belfast car crime '˜will cost more lives'

One of the injured victims is taken away after Monday night's incident in west BelfastOne of the injured victims is taken away after Monday night's incident in west Belfast
One of the injured victims is taken away after Monday night's incident in west Belfast
So-called '˜death driving' will claim more lives if the car crime gangs operating in west Belfast aren't stopped, community activists have said.

The call for a crackdown comes after several people, including an eight-year-old girl, were taken to hospital when a stolen car caused a four-vehicle collision on the Falls Road.

Monday night’s incident followed a creeper burglary in nearby Servia Street. Three men in their late teens or early 20s were spotted running away from the stolen Vauxhall Zafira after the crash.

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Michael George is a community worker with the Collin Neighbourhood Project in west Belfast.

An overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls RoadAn overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls Road
An overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls Road

He said there has been an upsurge in car crime over the last two years – after a lull lasting several years.

“It was amazing someone wasn’t killed last night, but if the community and police don’t keep on top of this then there will be more tragedies.

“Up until about two years ago it had virtually gone away. Thanks to the efforts of groups like Relatives Bereaved Through Car Crime and community workers on the ground who had put a focus on it, along with police, it had almost ceased.

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“About three years ago the police were taking about doing away with the auto crime team but we lobbied hard to get that taken off the agenda.”

An overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls RoadAn overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls Road
An overturned car at the scene of the incident on the Falls Road

Mr George said those involved in car crime were becoming increasingly sophisticated.

“We would highlight on social media that people need to be more aware. We had a case over Christmas where a lady pulled in to the side of the road to check her sat nav and two individuals jumped in and took her car.

“You have to be constantly on the watch.”

He added: “We appeal to people to be more aware. If you are sitting in your house make sure you lock the front door because some of these guys are going around and check doors to see if they’re open, and people often keep their keys handy to the front door.”

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SDLP councillor Brian Heading sits on the West Belfast Police and Community Safety Partnership.

He said the police and local community had been relatively successful in “keeping a grip” on car crime, but added: “The incident on Monday night was unfortunate, and I wish a speedy recovery to those involved, but this type of crime will continue unless the community are prepared to stand up and give evidence against those that are perpetrating them.”

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