Brendan ​Rodgers in family tribute as Northern Ireland-born boss adds to Celtic medal haul

Northern Ireland-born Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers with the Scottish Premiership trophy on Saturday. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)Northern Ireland-born Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers with the Scottish Premiership trophy on Saturday. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)
Northern Ireland-born Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers with the Scottish Premiership trophy on Saturday. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Wire)
​Northern Ireland-born Brendan Rodgers made sure he savoured trophy day at Celtic Park after getting his hands on the cinch Premiership silverware.

The champions rounded off their Scottish league campaign on Saturday with a 3-2 win over St Mirren before Santa Claus delivered the trophy.

They will aim to get their hands on another trophy this weekend when they take on Rangers in the Scottish Gas Scottish Cup final, but Rodgers afforded himself the luxury of living in the moment.

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When asked what he was thinking when he lifted the trophy he won in 2017 and 2018 during a first spell at Celtic, Rodgers said: “Enjoy it. I think this is the beauty of coming back here. When I came here the first time I loved every second of it but I was so fixated with the next thing. Even on a day like today. So I promised myself that I was going to really enjoy this time however long I am here, and every moment and every special moment because they are not always going to be there.

“I really, really enjoyed that today, knowing that it was not going to affect the next thing. That’s what experience gives you. We have lots of time to get our preparation in.”

Rodgers added: “I saw it was here the first time and when I left it absolutely deflated family and friends and it was never the same for them. I have to say, it’s my professional life so I have to choose at times where I go.

“But I know coming back here, what it means to so many people, in terms of family. And now they can enjoy these great moments as well.”

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St Mirren have also had a memorable season, clinching European qualification for the first time in 37 years under former Northern Ireland international Stephen Robinson.

Manager Robinson said: “We were disappointed in the goals. That was the only disappointment of the day.

“But in terms of the performance, the character and the quality we showed to go toe to toe with a Celtic team that’s just won the league speaks volumes about how far we’ve come this season.”