Glentoran fans call for meeting with owner Ali Pour and claim club ‘failure after failure’ in statement

Glentoran owner Ali Pour at The Oval in June 2023. (Photo by Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker)Glentoran owner Ali Pour at The Oval in June 2023. (Photo by Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker)
Glentoran owner Ali Pour at The Oval in June 2023. (Photo by Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker)
Fans operating under the collective title of “Glentoran Supporters’ Union” have called for a meeting with club owner Ali Pour in response to the Irish League outfit’s current situation.

Defeat at home last Saturday by 3-0 to Loughgall sparked a week of speculation over the future of Warren Feeney as manager, with Glentoran on Friday confirming his exit “by mutual consent”.

A statement put forward by fans under the name of “Glentoran Supporters’ Union” was also released on Friday in which the group thanked businessman Pour for his “generous investment” but also highlighted claims of “failure after failure” at the club amid a call for a meeting and confirmation of a letter on behalf of the collective raising various concerns.

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“On Thursday 14th March representatives from Glentoran supporters’ clubs met to discuss the structures set up by Glentoran FC since the acquisition of the club by Ali Pour in 2019,” read the statement. "We wish to put it on record that this is not a case of Glentoran supporters challenging Mr Ali Pour and being ungrateful for his generous investment.

"Instead, we wish to draw attention to our owner exactly what has been going on at our football club during his ownership which has led to failure after failure both on and off the pitch, despite the money he has invested.

"We as a union of supporters’ clubs all shared the same views on the night and felt our best course of action was to write directly to Ali Pour outlining exactly what our observations and concerns are. To be blunt - Ali Pour has entrusted the wrong people with his money, individuals who do not have the necessary skills or experience to run a professional football club.

"It has not worked and to let it continue would be negligent in the extreme.

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"Removal of the manager was only the beginning of the process to stop the rot, whilst the status quo is maintained nothing will ever improve at Glentoran.

"Our problems run much deeper than the man in the dugout. We believe a root and branch review of all the internal structures are now required before irreparable damage is sustained.

“The details of this letter shall remain for the eyes of our club members, Ali Pour and board members of both Glentoran Recreational Club and East No 1 Ltd for the time being.

"We have outlined what our expectations are, and trust that action be taken sooner rather than later.

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"Additionally, it is our hope that Ali Pour will agree to meet with representatives of our supporters’ clubs, something that has not yet happened since the purchase of the club in 2019.

"We are after all the lifeblood of Glentoran FC. Glentoran Football Club is a 142-year-old institution which is much bigger than any individuals.

"The generous investment we have received should be a golden opportunity and we will no longer sit back as supporters and allow incompetency to ruin our chances of success.

“Signed: Castlereagh GSC, Raven GSC, Hillfoot GSC, Cookstown GSC, Ballymac GSC, North Down GSC, Victoria GSC, 1st Newtownards GSC, Ballynahinch GSC, Carryduff GSC, Sydenham End Glens, 1923 Committee, Stormont GSC, 1st Mid Shankill GSC, Glentoran Ultras, Gertrude Glens GSC, Dundonald GSC”.

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