My Top 10 Players: Chris Ramsey

Larne's Chris Ramsey. Pic by PressEye Ltd.Larne's Chris Ramsey. Pic by PressEye Ltd.
Larne's Chris Ramsey. Pic by PressEye Ltd. | Freelance
Larne’s Chris Ramsey names his 10 favourite players and the reasons why...

1: HENRIK LARSSON - My first idol growing up. He was unbelievable for Celtic. Class in the air and an unreal finisher. The greatest ever.

2: RONALDO - I loved seeing clips of him from Football Italia on Channel 4 then Sky’s La Liga highlights. A magician who had everything. Skill, strength and good with both feet.

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3: PAOLO MALDINI - I only really saw him play in the Champions League plus the odd highlights clip from Italian football - but what a defender. He made everything look so simple.

4: ZINEDINE ZIDANE - A player with so much skill and he simply controlled games on his own for club and country.

5: ROY KEANE - I loved how he went about his business - tough-tackling, winning his midfield battle every time. Those Keane v Vieira battles always seemed the best watch growing up.

6: RIO FERDINAND - He made defending look easy. Even if he made a mistake he had the pace to get himself out of trouble.

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7: BOBO BALDE - The reason I wanted to be a defender! I loved the way he dealt with strikers, he would usually be too strong for them but, if anyone did look like getting the better of Bobo then they would probably get absolutely smashed!

8: CRISTIANO RONALDO - No list would be complete without this man. An absolute machine who will probably will go down as the greatest ever. What I like most about him is his attitude. He never wants anybody to be better than him and will continue to work and push himself to make sure of this.

9: RUUD VAN NISTELROOY - I usually hate poachers and goal-hangers but I loved Ruud. He didn’t do much out of the box but you know if there’s a chance inside it then he’s gonna score...

10: LIONEL MESSI - I cannot put Cristiano Ronaldo in and not put in Lionel Messi. A genius. The two of them just keep pushing each other on to greatness. Frightening to watch him go around players with ease.