Portsmouth coronavirus cases a 'scary situation' explains Ronan Curtis as Fratton Park goes into lockdown

Portsmouth's Ronan Curtis admits the coronavirus pandemic is 'scary' after four Pompey players were tested positive for the virus.Portsmouth's Ronan Curtis admits the coronavirus pandemic is 'scary' after four Pompey players were tested positive for the virus.
Portsmouth's Ronan Curtis admits the coronavirus pandemic is 'scary' after four Pompey players were tested positive for the virus. | other
RONAN CURTIS admits the outbreak of coronavirus at Portsmouth Football Club is a ‘scary situation’ as the pandemic hits close to home for the striker.

Four of Curtis’ Pompey teammates tested positive for coronavirus last Friday which forced the Fratton Park club into lockdown.

Former Derry City winger, Curtis was also tested for the virus but his results came back negative, however, his good friend, Andy Cannon, alongside teammates, James Bolton, Sean Raggett and Haji Mnoga weren’t as fortunate.

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All four players are currently self-isolating and displaying mild symptoms and Curtis claims it’s a ‘nightmare’ situation’.

“The whole world is freaking out about this which shows you how dangerous it is,” said the Ireland international. “Shops are closed, restaurants are closed and everything is in lockdown. It’s so dangerous and people are dying every day. It’s a really bad situation. It’s mental.

“It’s a nightmare,” he added. “We obviously got the results back and there are four players who have caught the coronavirus. It’s not nice. We can’t go and train or keep fit. We’ve got to stay away from each other and do our own little bits in the house or go for a jog on the roads or whatever. It’s hard but I’m sure we will get used to it.

“I got tested last Monday and got the all-clear when we got the results back on Friday. Some of the lads caught it. Most of us didn’t but we still can’t obviously go into train. We’ve just got to wait, self-isolate for 14 days, and hopefully we’ll be alright to go back in after that.”

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Curtis rooms with Portsmouth midfielder, Cannon on away trips and with the 24 year-old stuck in self-isolation at his Waterlooville home, the ex-Candy Stripes’ mum, Marie generously delivered a home-cooked meal and some supplies to his doorstep.

“Mum’s looking after everyone and cooking food,” said Curtis. “She’s looking after Andy as well because he’s obviously at home and he’s sick. He has to stay in and self-isolate for 14 days now so we took him up some food yesterday (Saturday) and lemons and headache tablets and stuff.

“You just don’t know if you walk outside tomorrow you could catch it from passing someone on the street or touching something - that’s how dangerous this virus is. But hopefully we can help as many people as we can by staying in and self-isolating and hopefully anyone who has it gets well soon.”